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A Smart Work Performance Measurement System for Police Officers
A Smart Work Performance Measurement System for
Police Officers

rapid economic growth, the management of employees working outdoors
graduallybecomes more intensive. The traditional attendance systems typically
focus on collecting employee atten-dance information and are not suited to the
quantification of work performance. As a remedy to this issue,a smart work
performance measurement system is proposed in this paper. The proposed system
consistsof three components: 1) a smartphone-based APP to collect employee
attendance, work, and locationinformation; 2) a data warehouse to preprocess
and store the data; and 3) a smart data analysis center to makea comprehensive and
systematic evaluation of employee work performance. Management can obtain
thekey information quickly and adjust work assignments based on performance.
New solutions and algorithmsfor indoor and outdoor location, GPS deviation
improvement, and work performance measurement are putforward. This system is
being used by over 1100 police officers in one city traffic management bureau,
andthe observed results are encouraging, demonstrating the efficiency and
accuracy of our system, and helpinggovernments to better regulate the traffic
operation and reduce associated costs.
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